
Increase your heart rate variability with Heartspace

Heart rate variability is a key indicator for how well you're able to respond to stress. The higher your heart rate variability the less stressed you become and better you will be able to perform under pressure.

Heartspace measure your heart rate in real-time using ECG, and takes you through guided resonance breathing exercises proven to increase your heart rate variability (HRV.)

HRV training helps us improve:

  •   Physical endurance and reaction speed
  •   Ability to problem solve under pressure
  •   Reduction in stress, anxiety, depression and chronic pain

Increasing your HRV with reasonance breathing

Your breath is a remote control to your heart and your nervous system. Resonance breathing, is a powerful technique where you breathe at a specific frequency to activate your “rest and digest” parasympathetic nervous system (PSN) and reach optimal relaxation. In this state you heart rate oscillates in time with the rhythm of you breath, maximising your heart rate variability.

Heartspace’s guidance and live biofeedback help you to make lasting increases to your heart rate variability.

  • 1. Connect your strap

    In the Heartspace app let your breath expand and contract in time with circle.

  • 2. Breathe

    Your coherence score will tell youhow in-tune your heart is with yourbreathing. Our guided sessionswill help you train.

  • 3. Track your data

    After each exercise, Heartspacewill show you how you went, andyour overall resonance breathingprogress

  • 4. Build resilience

    Start to notice yourself becomeless reactive, more calm, and moresocial as you make resonancebreathing a habit.

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Controlled Breathing: Endorsed by Leading Health Organizations leading health organizations

Harvard University

“Even as little as one minute of deep breathing can lessen anxiety and reduce stress hormones in your bloodstream”

The National Health Service

"A calming breathing technique for stress, anxiety, and panic takes just a few minutes and can be done anywhere."


"The number one thing to get under control when you are feeling overwhelmed and/or anxious."

World Health Organization

"WHO's stress management guides provide information and practical skills e.g., breathing exercises to help people cope with stress."

More intuitive than meditation, simpler than exercise

Meditation apps Fitness trackers Heartspace
Fast results
Immersive content
Breathing exercises
Live biofeedback Average data with latency
High accuracy

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Read the science behind Heartspace

Heart rate variability and biofeedback training are exploding in popularity as effective self-regulation tools for stress management.

Is it a hyped-up practice or a secret weapon for a life without stress?

Read Our Blog


Heartspace is a tool to help you breathe better for stress management and better sleep. The Heartspace sensor measures the live effect breathing is having on your nervous system by measuring heart rate variability, a marker of nervous system stress. The Heartspace app guides you through resonance breathing exercises, a specific breathing technique that puts your body in a relaxed state and has been shown to build your body’s resilience to stress.

Yes. The app is available on the Play Store for Android and the App Store for iPhone.

Multiple studies have shown that the technique used in Heartspace reduces stress. A 2017 meta-analysis across 24 studies, involving 484 participants, showed the technique has a large effect on reducing anxiety [1]. 

  1. Goessl, V. C., Curtiss, J. E., & Hofmann, S. G. (2017). The effect of heart rate variability biofeedback training on stress and anxiety: a meta-analysis. Psychological medicine, 47(15), 2578-2586.

Heartspace uses an ECG (electrocardiogram) sensor, which measures the electrical activity of the heart to calculate the heart rate and heart rate variability. Compared with popular smartwatch wearables which use PPG (photoplethysmography), ECG is more accurate at measuring heart rate.

Heartspace provides live data for resonance breathing training. Most other wearables provide measurement averages over minutes to days for trends. Our wearable is for biofeedback training, for immediate stress relief and to train the specific practice of resonance breathing.

Heartspace is suitable for anyone above the age of 16 who is looking to better manage their body's response to stress and build resilience over time. If you have any ongoing health conditions related to the heart or lungs, do not use Heartspace without guidance from your physician or cardiologist.

You can try Heartspace risk-free for 60 days. If you’re not happy with your purchase you can return the product within this time period for a full refund.