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HRV Biofeedback Training for High Performance Sport

HRV Biofeedback Training for High Performance S...

Given the anxiety-reducing effects of HRV Biofeedback Training (HRVBT), it’s no surprise that the technique has helped high performance athletes perform at their best:  A golfer with competition anxiety improved...

HRV Biofeedback Training for High Performance Sport

Given the anxiety-reducing effects of HRV Biofeedback Training (HRVBT), it’s no surprise that the technique has helped high performance athletes perform at their best:  A golfer with competition anxiety improved...

What is Resonance Breathing?

What is Resonance Breathing?

The main purpose of breathing is gas exchange – to expel carbon dioxide and bring in fresh oxygen. Blood circulates through the lungs as the body’s gas transporter, making the...

What is Resonance Breathing?

The main purpose of breathing is gas exchange – to expel carbon dioxide and bring in fresh oxygen. Blood circulates through the lungs as the body’s gas transporter, making the...

The Ascent of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training

The Ascent of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedbac...

Deep breathing is calming and helps to clear the mind. It’s why we say to ‘take a few deep breaths’ before something stressful. But it’s not just our psychology that...

The Ascent of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training

Deep breathing is calming and helps to clear the mind. It’s why we say to ‘take a few deep breaths’ before something stressful. But it’s not just our psychology that...